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Created by T. Gentsch | News

"Yeah Dude!" | The TITUS Tornados Video

The Videopremiere of the first ever TITUS Tornados Video in the TITUS Münster shop!

Without much noise and with a bang from the new generation - this is perhaps the most precise way to describe the release of the first TITUS Tornados Bearings video. Featuring an introducing part from the latest team addition Wanja Bach, main parts from Deniel Cramer, Tim Otto, Josh Junkes and Antoni Zeyer, and two mix parts with almost all other national and international team riders, "Yeah Dude!" offers a cross-generational overview of one of the biggest teams from all over Europe. Despite the pandemic and limited travel opportunities, the Tornados teamriders gave it their all and made it to a total of a 23 minutes long video. Optimally, such a project should be premiered properly and preferably not online-only but "old-fashioned" style; that is, on a screen that many people stare at together. This scenario was last experienced in TITUS Münster in the fall of 2019 for the Toy Machine video premiere, but favorable incidences and perfect timing actually allowed a "real" premiere at the end of June. On top of that, this also offered the opportunity to award Henning Hüttepohl's "Welcome to the TITUS Münster Team" clip and thus be able to offer "double the program" at the same time. Thanks to the guys and girls of the TITUS Münster, all people in attendence and of course the protagonists of the two videos, without which all this would not have taken place!