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Created by T. Gentsch | News

Skateboarding in times of a pandemic - we are with you!

How the Coronavirus affects our everyday (skate) life

For many of us, the appeal of skateboarding is rooted in its lack of rules. No practice times, getting yelled at by a coach or being punished with push-ups for showing up late. These are just a few of the reasons many fall in love with this board with two trucks and four wheels! This love lasts a lifetime for most. Even if you don’t skate as much when you get older, you always know and love the freedom that skateboarding is capable of giving. Unfortunately, even freedoms like these can be restricted under extreme circumstances – such as the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus.

March 21st, 2020 was the start of spring. The sun was shining and it was the perfect weather to be at your local spot, skatepark, or backyard mini ramp with your friends. It was time to break out the barbeque, grab a case of beer, and work on refreshing your old tricks. Sadly, this isn’t possible this spring or in the immediate future. Just two weeks ago, I was on a trip to Paris and Brussels. Even though news and fear of the virus had begun to spread, it was yet to influence our (skate) life significantly. Just days later, that began to change into the isolated reality we’re currently living in. Such isolation isn’t easy as a person, but especially as a skateboarder, to submit to the new de-socialization “rules” of society. However, in times like this, most people now understand that keeping a safe distance really serves the good of all.

Here at Titus, we certainly feel the suffering of these times with you. As skateboarders ourselves, we know how hard it is to stay away from the spots and friends that we love. Regardless, we want to stay available for you as much as we can. So, our Online Shop is still available 24/7 to ship you the best skate products. As the oldest skateshop in Europe, we stand by you in this crisis so we can get through it together. As the freedom-loving people we are, these aren’t easy times, but we’re going to make it. When you’re dying to skate, you may have to get creative and hop on your board in your house! Here’s a few “survival tips” for the coming weeks:

1.: Think about reading a book or magazine:

2.: Watch a full-lenght video and solidify your skate-knowledge:

3.: Watch the latest Titus Videos online: